SRMP V2.1 Tested with Microsoft Windows2000/XP and SUN Solaris 9/SPARC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File list: Makefile srtp.cpp - the SRTP daemon code srtp_proto.h - the SRTP daemon header file srtp_api.h - the SRTP Client API sender.cpp - a sample SRTP sender program client.cpp - a sample SRTP receiver program ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To compile: Solaris: > make or > make srtp > make sender > make client Windows: by using Visual C++ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To run: >srtp [daemon UDP_port] [client UDP_port] "daemon UDP_port" -- the port the SRMP will listen on for remote SRMP daemon default value: 8000 "client UDP_port" -- the port the SRMP will listen on for locao clients default value: 8001 >client [client UDP_port] "client UDP_port" -- the port the SRMP will listen on for locao clients default value: 8001 >sender [len] [client UDP_port] "dataid" -- the dataid. If it is for mode 0 message, this argument is meaningless, so use 0 "mode" -- the mode. eigher 0 or 1. mode 2 is not supported in this version "number of messages" -- number of messages going to be sent out "len" -- message length. default value 800 "client UDP_port" -- the port the SRMP will listen on for locao clients default value: 8001