Downloading the GMU RTI

  |     Copyright (c) 1995-1996 by George Mason University,           |
  |                       Fairfax, Virginia                           |
  |                                                                   |
  |  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this             |
  |  software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby         |
  |  granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice    |
  |  and this permission appear in all copies and in supporting       |
  |  documentation, and that the name of George Mason University      |
  |  not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to            |
  |  distribution of the software without specific, written prior     |
  |  permission. GMU makes no representations about the suitability   |
  |  of this software for any purposes.  It is provided "AS IS"       |
  |  without express or implied warranties.  All risk associated      |
  |  with use of this software is expressly assumed by the user.      |
  |  GMU does not give its permission to sell this software, or       |
  |  include it within commercial products, without separate          |
  |  written agreement.                                               |
Click here to accept the license agreement and download the RTI source code.


This is an ongoing work, and this version of the RTI is not optimized yet. It is a research prototype and can only handle small federations.

Due to the fact that the RTI specifications were changing while we were developing this software, the API is intermediate between version 1 and 2, especially for the Data Distribution Management. Several modifications have also been made to the RTItypes.hh file. Please, read the chapter 3 of the documentation carefully.

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