Version 1.0 of the QOSIP OPNET models
			Dated 26 June 1997

|     Copyright (c) 1995-1996 by George Mason University,           |
|                       Fairfax, Virginia                           |
|                                                                   |
|  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this             |
|  software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby         |
|  granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice    |
|  and this permission appear in all copies and in supporting       |
|  documentation, and that the name of George Mason University      |
|  not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to            |
|  distribution of the software without specific, written prior     |
|  permission. GMU makes no representations about the suitability   |
|  of this software for any purposes.  It is provided "AS IS"       |
|  without express or implied warranties.  All risk associated      |
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|  GMU does not give its permission to sell this software, or       |
|  include it within commercial products, without separate          |
|  written agreement.                                               |

From the webpage you can download node models, packet formats and all the
process module source code used in our simulation except for the IP module, 
Fddi MAC module and TCP module.
The TCP module we used is the unchanged OPNET library model. 

Both the IP module and the Fddi MAC module are modifications of copyrighted 
OPNET library models which MIL3 will not give us permission to post on the 
webpage. You can get them from the OPNET model sharing library.

Known bugs in this version

    Module                     Bug/Plans for Resolution
--------------              ----------------------------------------------
   gwy_qospf                   The multicast shortest path tree creation