Sample Course Registration

Please fill out ALL fields to register to receive a password and instructions on how to access the first two courses of the Network Science Certificates.

Course Blocks: COM-1 Sessions 1 & 2 / NET-2 Sessions 1 & 2

First Name:Last Name:
Company Name (If Applicable):
Email: (Please be sure this is your correct email address)
Work Phone:Work Fax:
I am interested in the program and would like to be contacted for more information.

Updated: 11/16/1998

C o p y r i g h t   1 9 9 8
G e o r g e   M a s o n   U n i v e r s i t y
A l l  R i g h t s  R e s e r v e d
n e c - s u p p o r t @ g m u . e d u