
To Enroll:
GMU Office of Continuing and Professional Education at 703-733-2800
Or print this registration form:
(.doc) necreg.doc
(.pdf) necreg.pdf

Company payments and credit cards accepted.

Prerequisites: A bachelor's degree or equivalent experience in a technical discipline (engineering/math/science/information technology).

For Additional Information, contact Dr. Mark Pullen (703-993-1538) or mpullen@gmu.edu

Updated: 2/11/1999

C o p y r i g h t   1 9 9 8
G e o r g e   M a s o n   U n i v e r s i t y
A l l  R i g h t s  R e s e r v e d
n e c - s u p p o r t @ g m u . e d u